British Biostimulant Efficacy and Safety Group

Welcome to the BBESG

This group has been formed in response to DEFRA, Project 31280 “Creating an Enabling Regulatory Environment for Enhanced Efficiency Fertilisers” to evaluate regulatory approaches to biostimulants.

Whether you are involved in Conventional or Organic farming we welcome all manufacturers, farmers, growers, suppliers and users of biostimulants to join our collective in providing evidence of their efficacy and safety in response to the above consultation.

Freedom of information request response.

One of our members made a freedom of information request for ‘..Information about incidents involving plant biostimulants requiring HSE reporting or investigating in the last 40 yrs…’ from the detailed response received on the 27th July 2021 the key sentence is:-

“…[we] have been unable to locate any information held by HSE that relates to any incidents involving plant biostimulants, using the various terms that you have suggested in your request….”
This will not come as any surprise to the industry as many of our members (some with 40 years’ experience) couldn’t recall any such incidents.  In jest one members remarked that the greatest danger came from tripping over the packaging!

As we count down the days until DEFRA’s regulatory review is published (August 2021) containing their recommendations for the regulation of the industry, and in light of the above statement from HSE , the BBESG is still at a loss to why there is a need for tighter regulations. After all, by the number of incidents relating to biostimulants in the last 40 years it looks like the existing measure work. “If it’s not broken, why fix it!”

Who is BBESG?

The British Biostimulant Efficacy and Safety Group is a collaboration between the biostimulant industry, educational institutions and environmental groups that can evidence the environmental and incredible safety benefits of using biostimulants for food production in the UK.

The project/consultation details

RSK ADAS Ltd., was contracted by Defra, Project 31280 “Creating an Enabling Regulatory Environment for Enhanced Efficiency Fertilisers” to evaluate regulatory approaches to biostimulants.

In 2022 the EU will implement EU Fertiliser Regulation, (EC) 219/1009. This will require suppliers of naturally derived biostimulants to have carried out efficacy trials and produce safety and toxicity dossiers – to the same levels as required for chemical pesticides – to justify the claims of the effect and safety of their biostimulants.

In the first instance RSK ADAS have undertaken a survey of biostimulant manufacturers and importers in the UK.

If you are in any doubt as to whether this has serious implications for the drive to modern, sustainable agriculture, please watch this Impacts of Brexit on legislation within UK agriculture

RSK ADAS contacted 60 companies directly with a questionnaire.  The deadline for responses ( 30th April 2021 ) has now passed, but we would urge you to lodge your interest in this ‘consultation’ process along with your comments and concerns by contacting

Project timelines

  • RSK ADAS has submitted a report to Defra at the end of May 2021, (this report will influence the consultation documentation).
  • The industry consultation period will be late June /July 2021
  • Regulation/legislation 2022