Humic Substances

Humic Substances What are Humic Substances? Humic substances (HS) are natural substances belonging to the soil organic matter and resulting from the decomposition of dead cell materials and from the metabolic activity of soil microbes using these substrates. HS are collections of heterogeneous compounds, originally classified according to their molecular weights and solubility into insoluble…

Seaweeds as Biostimulants

Seaweeds as Biostimulants World Market About 10 million tonnes of seaweeds (wet weight) are produced world-wide each year. Brown algae accounted for 7 million tonnes, of which Chinese production alone of the food kelp Saccharina japonica is just below 5 million tonnes, making it the largest single-species crop produced by aquaculture in the world. About…

Microbes as Biostimulants

Microbes as Biostimulants Safety All microbes in biostimulant products belong to EFB class 1 which are defined as: “Harmless micro-organisms (EFB class 1): Micro-organisms that have never been identified as causative agents of disease in man and that offer no threat to the environment.” There already exists a globally harmonised classification for the safety of…